American Point Roberts Marine Resort Aluminum Pontoons Completed the Installation Work.

Since the T Terminal is in a rather special position in the Point Roberts Marine Resort project, the pile is variable and the pontoon is in the form of a corner, so the data obtained before the installation of the pile position has more variability than the data measured by other regular pontoons. It is also the biggest difficulty before we install a new pontoon, and also the installation of two piles is required in a single pontoon, which made great demands on our design structure tenability, which is also very rare in our past project.
It is fortunate in a several piles have very different from the original date, we made a small adjustment for overall pontoon angle. Finally successfully smooth connect between the positioning pile and pontoons, ensure the stability for all the pontoons.
After the overall pontoon installation, due to our structural adjustment is very convenient, finger pontoon installation support become very easy, finally we successfully completed the entire project installation.
The owner of the yacht club after the pontoon has just assembled, he is the first person come down to the pontoon have the experience, he thumbs up said “ great”